In other to support post-crisis socio-economic recovery for vulnerable conflict affected individuals in Northeast Nigeria, United Nations World Food Programme (UN-WFP) in partnership with Centre for Community Development and Research Network (CCDRN) is on the verge of implementing a life changing ‘Livelihood programme’ in Michika and Madagali LGAs of Adamawa state.
The initiative is geared towards assisting conflict affected population to restore and gain access to livelihood opportunities lost due to the Boko Haram Insurgency in North East Nigeria which caused massive displacements with colossal disruption of support system.
The project implementation which is still at preliminary stage is expected to stabilize affected people’s livelihoods towards reducing the impact of the crisis which is in its tenth year.

Head count during Household spot check verification in Yamwe, Michika
The project is a critical first step to reducing vulnerability and building resilience and will help reduce negative coping mechanisms among crisis-affected communities, restore their confidence, and foster a sense of ownership in the recovery process. WFP in partnership with CCDRN adopted a community based participatory method, purposely to involve community stakeholders and put them on the driver’s seat of the project design and planning for sustainability.
Key community Stakeholders were given certain responsibility, ranging from supporting selection of beneficiaries, in both Madagali and Michika LGA, who would serve as the Community Targeting Committee (CTC) in three (3) communities in Madagali LGA and five (5) communities in Michika LGA and also providing a criteria to be used in the conduct of census across the various communities which include, taking note of vulnerable households.

Prospective livelihood beneficiaries queue up for registration in Michika
Sequel to the selection of the Community Targeting Committee (CTC), CCDRN team organized training to strengthen the capacity of those selected. The training majored around CTCs understanding their roles and responsibilities, the process of enrollment, tool developed for conducting census for the prospective beneficiaries. Also, training was conducted for enumerators who worked with CCDRN team in the targeting and registration of beneficiaries for the livelihood project in both Madagali and Michika LGA.
The training focused on explaining the concept of targeting, designing a targeting scheme, selection criteria, spot check, populating the registration form, registration of beneficiaries, the registration site, errors and possible ways to them resolve them, Complaint Feedback Mechanism and SCOPE registration.
Beneficiaries of the intervention have been registered and validated across targeted communities in Michika and Madagali LGAs of Adamawa state. Barring any last minute changes, CCDRN is expected to flag off full livelihood activities in April.