International Youth Day: CCDRN Positioning At-risk Youth to Drive Change in Communities

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The Centre for Community Development and Research Network has been working with international Donor agencies and other partners to impact positively on lives of vulnerable young persons in conflict prone Northeast Nigeria, positioning them to drive change, contributes to peace and rebuilds lost hope.

August 12, of every year has been set aside by the United Nations as the International Youth Day. This year’s Youth Day, themed ‘Safe Spaces for Youth’,

According to the United Nations, Youth need safe spaces where they can come together, engage in activities related to their diverse needs and interests, participate in decision making processes and freely express themselves. While there are many types of spaces, safe spaces ensure the dignity and safety of youth. When youth have safe spaces to engage, they can effectively contribute to development, including peace and social cohesion.

CCDRN and Northeast Regional Initiative have collaborated to implement projects with direct impact on the lives of troubled youth in Nigerian Northeast, thus building their resilience and creating safe places for them to drive change and contribute to peace and stability


The Youth Against Drug Abuse program was conceived and implemented in a bid to reduce the rates of drug/substance abuse and addiction among the youth by a substantial percentage. Throughout  the program lifespan, substantial awareness was created among 350 youth, stakeholders and community members in Gubio town with an anticipated reduction in drug induced violence among youth as well as recruitment by non-state armed groups. Community members and target youth groups projected genuine Anti-drug dispositions and committed to becoming YADA ambassadors

As part of activities slated for the campaign, a dialogue session was organized to bring stakeholders together to proffer community based solutions to the prevalence of drug abuse and the increasing rate of youth and adolescents involvement, which is adjudged as a major driver to violent extremism (VE). To achieve the overall objective of the YADA project, CCDRN mobilized influencers from among the target youth as well government and community stakeholders including law enforcement agents to round table dialogue to generate perspectives to reducing youth vulnerability to violent extremism through combating drug abuse in the community. Presentations were made and resolutions were reached with view to sustaining the campaign.

The project which was sponsored by NERI for a duration of three (3) months, centers on highlighting the ills of drug addiction and how it opens the doors and windows for violent extremism. The campaign action created a platform for parents, the government, school authorities, religious organizations, NGOs, and other stakeholders to team up in a holistic way to rescue targeted youths from the bondage of drug use


A cross section of Burimari youth during cash for work flag off in Gajiram. Photo: CCDRN

This project which is primarily aimed at to engage 100 young people as paid volunteers in clearing dangerous vegetation and environmental sanitation in Burimari ward of Nganzai LGA also has a latent objective, which is to encourage community service, build lost trust, community bond and peaceful coexistence.

Sponsored by North East Regional Initiative, NERI Nigeria, the initiative also seeks to improve livelihood options for targeted youth towards building relationship and credibility for future engagement with the community.

The project also offer positive pathway for vulnerable individuals who are expected to capitalize on the cash provision from the project to improve their economic well-being.


Working in vulnerable communities, we have remained focused and driven by our passion to make life beautiful for population in dire need.

Knowing that young people have become constant targets for extremist groups on recruitment drive on the northeastern corridor and other parts of the country, through our various projects, we have provided a safe space for the youth to engage and be part of the solution to the problem in their communities. We join all young people across the world to celebrate the international youth day 2018.