CVE: CCDRN Embarks on Advocacy Visit, Gets Communities Nod to Implement Project

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CCDRN team with community leaders in a solemn moment of prayers during advocacy visit to sell project idea to Yaro ward head

Centre for Community Development and Research Network (CCDRN) has secured the buy in and cooperation of key stakeholders in in Bultuwa, Yaro, Garin gada, Zaye and Mashio communities of Yunusari Local Government Area, Yobe State to implement a North East Regional Initiative’s supported project aimed at building communities resilience against violent extremists influence.

This followed an advocacy visits to  stakeholders which included the Local Government Authority, Community and Religious Leaders, Security agencies and youth leaders in the targeted communities in acknowledgment of the significant roles they play in steering the affairs of their communities and the Local Government Area.

As part of the objectives of the project, 125 influential community members and opinion leaders from the 5 communities in Yunusari LGA would be sensitized against influence of violent extremists groups in a bid to build their resilience and to further disrupt extremist’s entry point in the vulnerable communities.

The stakeholders, comprising LGA officials, security agencies, community, and religious and youth leaders overwhelmingly accepted the project and pledged optimal support to its implementation in their respective communities.

The project which is largely community driven has an inclusive module whereby all relevant stakeholders are involved in the planning and selection of the target beneficiaries in each of the five communities as well suggestions and counsel on how best to organize the sensitization/ dialogue sessions at the communities and ward levels, which will ultimately translate into attainment of program objectives.

The DSS Officer from Yunusari L.G.A who spoke during the advocacy visit commended CCDRN for its community based approach of countering Violent Extremism. He pledged his availability and support in terms of security back up and clearance through the life span of the project

All communities visited during the advocacy accepted the program as a worthy intervention that is coming at the right time.

The project is supported by USAID/OTI via Northeast Regional Initiative in partnership with Centre for Community Development and Research Network in an attempt check and counter extremists influence and narrative