CCDRN Sensitizes Communities in Gulani on preparation and use of Food Supplements

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The Centre for Community Development and Research Network CCDRN has taken a door-door sensitization initiative to WFP beneficiaries in Gulani Local Government Area of Yobe state, targeting Pregnant and Lactating Women who are existing beneficiaries of WFP’s Basket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP), an intervention that is helping to rehabilitate moderately malnourished children as well as providing food supplement to selected pregnant and nursing mothers and other individuals at-risk.

The visit which was carried out at household level, saw to the sensitization of beneficiaries  on the use, preparation process and administration of the Food Supplements in addition to screening and enrollment of new Moderate Acute Malnutrition as well as referral of Severe Acute Malnutrition case respectively.

Additionally, the mother-mother sensitization is helping to ensure strict compliance on preparation process as new beneficiary/care giver are properly guided on the use, preparation process and administering of  food supplement, thus, addressing issues around indiscriminate use, misapplication and  consumption of the  food supplements by beneficiaries

The sensitization visit which was carried out in November of 2018, covered Bujuhum and Glahausa communities in Gulani ward, Gulani LGA, Yobe state, reaching Sixty five existing beneficiaries across fifty households

Also, the follow-up visit helped in bridging the knowledge gap of beneficiaries in use and preparation of the food supplement, general hygiene and good health practices.