CCDRN Flags off WFP’s 2019 Livelihood Intervention in Bade LGA, Yobe State

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Intervention focuses on Protection, Restoration and Enhancement of livelihood to Support Self-reliance and Resilience Capacity of conflict affected IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host communities in NE Nigeria. 

February 2019-The Centre for community Development and Research Network has officially flagged off the implementation of the World Food Programme’s 2019 Livelihood activity in Bade Local Government Area of Yobe state.

The flag off ceremony followed an advocacy visit/ planning meeting with officials of Bade Local Government Council to brief and sensitize them and other selected community leaders on the planned activity in the local government area.

A section of Beneficiaries during flag off activity at the Bade LGA Secretariat in Yobe state

Heads of departments and senior officials who were present expressed satisfaction with the participatory and all inclusive method adopted by CCDRN in the implementation of the project.

The official flag off ceremony for the livelihood project activities was convened at the Bade Local Government Secretariat. In attendance at the event was the Local government chairman who was represented by the Head of Administration in the ministry, the Emir of Bade who was represented by the Galadima. Others are the various ward head, target community leaders, beneficiaries and host community members who turned out en masse to grace the flag off ceremony.

In his opening remarks, the LGA chairman who was represented by the LGA head of Admin expressed satisfaction with the way and manner the project is being implemented from the Community Based Participatory Planning CBPP, to validation of beneficiaries including the project site identification which he described as “Flawless and community driven”

While expressing the commitment and technical support of the LGA where needed, he also called on all beneficiaries and host communities where various activities will kick off to brace up and ensure the success and sustainability of the intervention.

A section of Beneficiaries on duty during flag off of road rehabilitation at Lawan Musa central community

CCDRN gave a general overview of the intervention and the principle guiding the whole process, starting from its conceptualization, process, terms and conditions, outlook, expected outcome and projected success factors to the beneficiaries and members of the communities present during the flag off event.

The Emir of Bade LGA on his part pledged the support of the emirate towards the achievement of the general objectives of the project. However, while decrying the non-inclusion of some vulnerable host community members, the Emir through his representative called on WFP to see how vulnerable host community members could also be captured in the future to balance the process.

As part of the entire flag off event, CCDRN also formed the LGA level project technical committee comprising of LGA officials across five key ministries namely;  Agric, Primary Healthcare, Works, Education and Admin. Selection of officials from some of these key ministries to form the technical committee for the livelihood project activities is predicated on the fact that some of the communal activities cut across those departments’ jurisdiction. Hence their role in the entire process is to provide needed technical advice and direction.

Similarly, the various roles of community leaders which is to serve as project monitors and advisors were clearly highlighted during the flag off

The livelihood activity officially kicked off with Road rehabilitation in Lawan Musa central, a community under Lawan Musa Ward in Bade LGA. All beneficiaries that attended the flag off ceremony where involved in the flag off road rehabilitation. Bad roads identified in the community for rehabilitation during site identification were rehabilitated with technical direction from staffs in the ministry of works at Bade LGA who provided guidance to beneficiaries on how to go about rehabilitating bad spots.  Beneficiaries where presented with Wheel barrows, shovels, diggers, rain boot and protective gloves rakes and face masks.

The kickoff witnessed a massive turnout. Host community members who were not part of the activities also turned out and offered assistance in the process of the rehabilitation. They joined in the rehabilitation and expressed satisfaction with the direction of the activity. Beneficiaries who were not earlier allocated to project activities where given allocations