CCDRN Concludes May Supervision of WFP’s Cash Based Transfer Transaction in Gujba, Yobe State

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WFP’s CBT beneficiaries at a redemption center in Gujba LGA. Photo: CCDRN

Centre for Community Development and Research Network (CCDRN) has concluded May supervision and monitoring of Cash Based Transfer (CBT) in Gujba LGA on behalf of United Nation world Food Programme (WFP).

The process which started from 21st and ended 31st May, 2018, across different redemption shops in Gujba LGA, targeted a total of 8,211 household who redeem their entitlement within the specified period of the redemption in retails/redemption shops of their choice.

The United Nation World Food Program (WFP) as part of its lifesaving intervention introduced Cash Base Transfer in Gujba Local Government Area of Yobe State since March 2018.

Each beneficiary received their entitlement of twenty two thousand naira (N22000) worth of food items monthly which is filled into their vouchers by WFP.  Beneficiaries redeem this by getting the food items of their choice from the list of agreed food items approved by WFP through certified food vendors

CCDRN supervised and monitored E-Voucher (Cash Base Transfer) across six (6) wards in Gujba LGA, Yobe State.   In Gujba ward, there are 2,833 beneficiary households with 12 retails shops, Wagir has 969 beneficiary households with 9 retails shops, Buni Yadi has 1942 beneficiary households with 11 retail shops, Buni Lawanti has 1339 beneficiary households with 9 retails shops, Mandunari has 742 beneficiary households with 6 retails shops and Dadingel has 386 beneficiary households with 6 retails shops.

Samples of Food Basket and Prices of Commodities

To bring beneficiaries up to speed, prior to the commencement of the exercise, CCDRN embarked on an advocacy visit to sensitize various stakeholders such as traditional rulers, food vendors, food quality and price monitoring committee and WFP beneficiaries. They were sensitized about the distribution activities for May 2018. CCDRN also team notified them about the venue, address and names of each vendors, date and timeframe of the CBT activities.

Finback a WFP third party monitoring team which visited all distribution centers across the LGA under the supervision of CCDRN commended and expressed their satisfaction with CCDRN-CBT Team for efficiently managing the process.

Vendors, beneficiaries and food quality committee members also expressed their contentment with all the processes that characterized the May redemptions due to proper coordination, sensitization and monitoring of the entire activities by CCDRN-CBT team.

CCDRN established a monitoring unit comprising its staffs and other locals community members in each ward of the LGA whose main duties is to monitor the price of each product sold by vendors and compare it with the prevailing market price vis-à-vis its quality. They also work with the food quality and price monitoring committee of the communities to identify and resolve any problems related to price, food hygiene and quality

In a bid to ensure mutuality and inclusion in the process, CCDRN organized and facilitated a one-day meeting of understanding on Saturday 12th May, 2018 at Buni-Yadi Emir’s Palace between the various CBT stakeholders of the LGA which includes vendors, community price and food quality monitoring committee, community leaders and CCDRN staffs. The meeting provided a platform for the E-voucher (Cash Based Transfer) major actors to deliberate on ways of promoting meaningful understanding between the various stakeholders of WFP CBT intervention in the LGA so as to foster a better and cordial working relationship between these actors that will be beneficial to the CBT beneficiaries.

another set of beneficiaries waiting patiently during verification exercise at a redemption center in Gujba LGA. Photo: CCDRN

With respect to the CBT intervention of WFP, CCDRN is mandated to monitor all CBT activities within the LGA, on behalf of WFP and to serve as an intermediary between beneficiaries and vendors and oversee the sale of all the vendors as well as how each beneficiary redeems their CBT monthly entitlement.

CCDRN has been constantly engaging community members and incorporating their suggestions, including complains to ensure success and a hitch free exercise. CCDRN has also introduced a Hotline to enable beneficiaries to drop their complaints or suggestions with regards to the exercise.

WFP has been delivering food support to some 1.1 million people monthly in Nigeria’s Northeast. More and more, food aid comes through cash-based transfers (CBT) that allow beneficiaries to buy food in the market and be more in control of key choices that touch their lives

The cash based transfer CBT exercise in Gujba, for the month of June, is set to commence on Monday, June 4.