CCDRN Begins November Distribution of WFP’s Food and Nutrition Aid in Gulani LGA, Yobe state

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The Centre for community Development and Research Network, CCDRN has commenced November distribution of the United Nations World Food Programme’s food and nutrition assistance in Gulani LGA.

Since July of 2018, CCDRN has been working for the World Food Programme ( WFP), to address urgent food and nutrition needs of the most vulnerable people and communities in conflict-affected areas of Gulani Local Government Area, in Yobe, Northeast Nigeria.

CCDRN team verifying WFP beneficiaries prior to distribution of Monthly food aid in Gujba. Photo: CCDRN

In response to widespread food insecurity and alarming rate of malnutrition, WFP has been reaching out directly and through its partners to vulnerable populations.

At each of the wards, WFP’s cooperating partners, Centre for Community Development and Research Network carried out sensitization prior to commencement of distribution to inform beneficiaries about the commencement of the distribution. CCDRN has since instituted Food Committee in each of the respective targeted wards. The committee has five women as members in each ward to assist the Nutrition assistant in explaining ration and supplements preparation to beneficiaries for intake at every ward progressively.

According to WFP, its emergency response in Northeast Nigeria emphasizes a preventative nutrition approach that delivers both nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions to prevent and manage malnutrition amongst the most vulnerable populations. With an emphasis on children under five years and women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years). WFP’s integrated and multisectoral actions aim to stabilize and improve the nutrition situation, including investments in dietary diversity, and linkages with healthcare, education and improved water, sanitation and hygiene practices.