CCDRN: 2018 Year in Review

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CCDRN Team during a strategy/planning meeting at Yobe office. Photo: CCDRN

Since January of 2018, CCDRN has implemented myriads of projects that have had impact on the lives and livelihood of vulnerable communities in the Northeast of Nigeria. These projects ranging from humanitarian supports, research and assessments, peace building and community resilience, livelihood interventions etc., touched lives, built lost hopes and transformed communities once distressed by violent conflict.

Driven by its passion to make life beautiful for vulnerable population, CCDRN goes extra miles, changing the face of implementation through innovation, dedication, professionalism and strict adherence to contractual agreements and most times striving hard to surpass expectations by going beyond agreed deliverables to add more value to partners and benefitting communities.

Retrospectively, the following life changing interventions implemented by CCDRN in 2018 have been briefly highlighted. Looking backwards, we remember how these interventions impacted on and improved lives of populations once on the brink.

Emergency General Food Assistance/Food Aid Interventions

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Emergency General Food Assistance   

In January 2018, CCDRN started implementing World Food Programme (WFP) Emergency General Food

CCDRN staff verifying a WFP beneficiary in Gujba LGA prior to distribution of food aid. Photo: CCDRN

Assistants in Gujba LGA – Yobe State. The Emergency General Food intervention targeting about 60,000 individual beneficiaries in Gujba LGA – Via Cash Bash Transfer (CBT), Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) for PLW and Under 5.  In partnership with Centre for Community Development and Research Network, CCDRN, the World Food Programme via its food and nutrition-sensitive initiatives improved and firmed up food security as well as nutritional diversity of vulnerable Yobe communities, IDPs and returnees affected by conflict.

World Food Programme (WFP) Emergency General Food Assistants in Gujba and Gulani LGAs

A section of CCDRN team inspecting WFP food stockpile arranged for distribution. Photo: CCDRN

CCDRN is currently implementing Emergency General Food intervention targeting about 87,000 individual beneficiaries in Gujba and Gulani LGAs – Via General Food Distribution (In-kind), Cash Bash Transfer (CBT), Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) for PLW and Under 5.

This phase of the intervention which started in July 2018 is expected to end in December 2018.

Early Warning/ Building Community Resilience Interventions

Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Early Warning/Early Response Mechanisms in Northeast Nigeria

Experience sharing session during implementation of SFCG project in Maiduguri. Photo: CCDRN

In early 2018, CCDRN implemented Search for Common Ground (SFCG) funded Early Warning/Early Response Mechanisms in Northeast Nigeria. This project basically expanded and strengthened early warning and early response processes to enhance community and state actors’ ability to protect citizens. The project which was implemented in  Mafa, Monguno, Maidguri and Jere LGAs of Borno state  commenced  in October 2017 and ended successfully in April 2018, has now unified a formerly broken people with enhanced capacity to identify and analyze early warning signs of violence with increased partnership with other actors for prompt response.

The strengthening early warning and early response project which was implemented in 307 communities of the four targeted local government areas of Borno state gave communities estranged by years of conflict leverage to unite against violence and disrupt entry point.

Northeast East Regional Initiative (NERI) Strengthening Early Warning System (Pilot

Community leaders in Yunusari LGA during a Community dialogue session

Implemented by CCDRN in Kanamma, Garin Gada, and Mozogun – Yunusari LGA, Yobe State, the Northeast Regional Initiative Pilot strengthening early warning intervention helped to reinforce community level early warning & response system across three selected ward of Yunusari LGA (Kanamma, Garin Gada, and Mozogun) .

Specifically, this intervention which was concluded in January of 2018, Strengthened capacity of communities to identify and analyze early warning signs of violence and promoted collaboration between communities, local government officials and security actors to respond to early warning signs of violence.

Northeast East Regional Initiative (NERI) Strengthening Early Warning System      

Community dialogue session.Photo:CCDRN

 Implemented in Mobbar, Magumeri, Nganza and Gubio LGAs of Borno State, this NERI funded project implemented by CCDRN helped in reinforcing community level early warning & response system across three selected wards in Mobbar, Gubio, Nganzai and Magumeri LGAs.

This project  implemented between February and May of 2018, strengthened capacity of communities to identify and analyze early warning signs of violence and brought about collaboration between communities, local government officials and security actors to respond to early warning signs of violence.

Northeast East Regional Initiative (NERI) Building Community Resilience to Violence

Implemented between May and June 2018, by CCDRN in Yunusari LGA– Yobe State, this NERI funded project     promoted Communities’ resilience against Violence and associated ills across five Communities of Bultuwa/Mar/Yaro Ward in Yunusari LGA – Yobe State.

Northeast East Regional Initiative (NERI) Youth Against Drug Abuse (Yada) Campaign  

Gubio youth campaigning against drug abuse during implementation of NERI YADA project by CCDRN. Photo: CCDRN

CCDRN implemented the Northeast East Regional Initiative (NERI) Youth Against Drug Abuse (YADA) Campaign in Gubio LGA – Borno State highlighting the ills of drug addiction and how it opens the doors violence and allied crime. CCDRN, using a campaign action strategy, involving all stakeholders in a holistic manner to rescue Gubio youths from the harms of drug use, The Youth Against Drug Abuse program helped to reduce the rates of drug/substance abuse and addiction amongst Gubio youth by a substantial percentage.  Within 3 months from commencement, substantial awareness was created among 350 youth, stakeholders and community members in Gubio town with an anticipated reduction in drug induced violence among youth.  Community members and target youth groups projected genuine Anti-drug dispositions and committed to becoming YADA ambassadors.

Research, Assessments and Evaluations

Managing Conflict in Northeast Nigeria/British Council (Research)

In April 2018, CCDRN conducted a research on the Prospective and existing livelihood opportunity for early return of IDP’s in Borno State, particularly in Mafa, Konduga and Nganzai LGA, Borno state. CCDRN, through this research, assessed the existing and prospective livelihood opportunities in communities selected for the early

A section of participants during a focus group discussion session. Photo: CCDRN

return of IDPs in Borno State and implications for peace, security and public safety.

Horacio R. Trujillo / Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Final Evaluation of SFCG’s Project

CCDRN carried out final evaluation of Search For Common Ground SFCG’s projects to Improve Human Rights Protection in Northern Nigeria-particularly, Adamawa, Borno, Bauchi and Plateau States.

The evaluation which was carried out in April 2018 saw to the Collection of Data for Final Evaluation of SFCG’s Project to Improve Human Rights Protection in Northern Nigeria.

Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation (FAO-UN) RIMA Baseline Survey  

Between June and August 2018, CCDRN conducted a baseline survey on at the behest of Food and Agricultural Organisation of the Unied Nations (FAO) in Bama, Damboa, Jere, Kala/Balge, Konduga, Konduga, Kwaya Kusar, Mafa, Monguno, and Ngala LGAs – Borno State. The baseline survey measured livelihood reliance and index analysis among vulnerable targeted population  in Borno State.

Food and Agricultural Organization of United Nation (FAO-UN) Post Distribution Monitoring

Between February to April 2018, CCDRN carried out the Post Distribution Monitoring of FAO emergency project, the Dry Season 2017-2018, Livestock and Cash Activities in North East Nigeria in 47 LGAs across Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States.

CCDRN provided FAO with a clear and extensive understanding of the impact of the agricultural input distribution activity as well as its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and timeliness to all stakeholders including national and local authorities, donors, counterparts and beneficiaries. In addition, the findings from the PDM are being used to inform programme direction.